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Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Expendables 3 : How I Would Do It.

Hello faithfull readers, it's everyone's favorite procrastinating writer back to give you the word on what ever topic comes to mind.  Today I come to you with a topic that is close to everyone's heart.  I want to talk to you about a film series that has not only touched the very soul of every film lover around, but also a film series that will go down, along with The Godfather and The Dollars Trilogy, as the the greatest film series known to man and some animals. This is of course The Expendables series.

I am hoping by now that you understood that most of that top paragraph was sarcasm. While I do enjoy The Expendables series for it's ridiclousness, I by no means think it is up to stand with the two series that I named. If you do not know what the Expendables series is and are a major action junkie, I suggest you do these next few things:

1. Grab a case of your favorite alcholic beverage.
2. Get some take out from your favorite take out place.
3. Find your best movie watching friends.
4.  Go to the closest T.V/DVd/Blu Ray system you can.
and finally
6. (because when you are talking about The Expendables there is no time for five.) Watch number one and two in a night that can only be described in an Onomonopia : KA-BLAM.

 Ok now down to brass tax. I want everyone to understand before I write anymore; this article is by no means saying anything bad about the people who wrote/directed/acted/anythinged in any Expendables movie. It is extremley hard to get a filmed made, there are at least a hundred obstacles standing in your way at every cornor. It is a miracle that anyone get's anything made in the movie business, let alone anything good. I am not some angry screenwriter trying to make his mark by criticizing the work of others ( I am also an angry author, angry director and angry actor.)

I am simple trying to explain in my opinion what would make the best Expendables 3.  This is what I do with my time when I am not chasing after women that I never have a chance with. So without further a do, here is how I would make The Expendables 3 :

1. Cut down on characters : One of things that Slyvester Stallone did with The Expendables series is get all these action heroes together in one movie. Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Stathem, Mickey Rourke; these actors are not no-name guys. These are all men with heavy schedules, men who could work on any project that they wanted to. I am not even naming Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li and Terry Crews.

If you did not know, Slyvester Stallone worked his ass off to not only make sure all of the schedules fit and he got all these actors to come together, he also worked his ass off making that first film in general. If you don't believe me, go watch the documentary Inferno : The Making of 'The Expendables', it highlights everything. I mean the man literally broke his neck to make this film; no matter the ending product, that is vallant thing. At least from the point of view of a film lover such as my self.

With that said, I feel it would be best to cut down on the characters. Both The Expendables ran into the same problems that movies with such large casts do. It seemed that while certain characters were getting a fragment of character development, others were getting nothing at all. And in my opinion, no one character got the right character development they deserve. Look at a movie like the Magnificent Seven as an example.  That is an ensemble movie as well and I feel like I understood and cared about all of the seven.

The best way to do this for me would be getting rid of characters, killing off if needed. Keep the actual Expendables down to only a few. If I got my choice of characters to keep it would be Sly, Jason, Terry, and Mickey, you could possible replcae Terry Crews with Jet Li if need be. To me four is a good number for the actual group. Dolph just seemed to be drifting around looking for a role to be in both films and Randy just didn't seem to fit. When  you have someone like Jason Statham who could be the figher of the group, I just don't see the point of Randy Couture.

When it comes to Bruce Willis's and Schwarzenegger's characters, I feel that you still need something along the same lines of them. Willis's character especially, Willis's character can be an important character when it comes to the plot of the film. You need someone to establish what The Expendables ( what's left of them at least) need to do, maybe someone to supply them with information and weapons. But with that said, it nowhere needs to be Willis. There has been rumors of who was going to be in this film, Cage and Chan have both been thrown around. I feel like adding a new character into the Willis role would not only be able to bring in a new big time action hero, but also give the orginization that Willis works for a little weight to it. It will make said orginization, a more shaddy orginization. Even give the new actor the same character name, Mr. Church, just to add that extra level of shaddy.

2. After cutting down on characters, add depth to the characters : One of my favorite parts of the first film, wasy Mickey Rourkes monolgue. As a writer and a fan of fiction, I have always been a big fan of characters. The moment in The Expendables 1 were Mickey Rourke delivers his monolgue is possible my favorite film moment of the whole film. It gives his character an actual backstory without having him go into a huge expository mess and also makes you feel the character. It let's the character actually become a character. It kind of questioned the nature of the action heroes that the film portrays throughout, it is a thoughtfull point. After this point though,we are give no character developing moment.

The other movies tried to do this at points; one example that comes to mind in the first film is the storyline with Jason Statem and his girlfriend ( played by the wonderful Charisma Carpenter). This to me was the start of a good character moment, you could explained parts of Jason Statham characters, parts of his past. But after a fight scene with Charisma Carpenter's boyfriend and friends, we are given nothing. Something like this could be a big character moment, Carpenter's character could be more. Carpenter's character could almost be someone who Statham character confides to about his past.

3. Combine the best of both plots : Both plots of The Expendables one and two had their good points. They both equal had their bad points. The Expendables one plot was a small scale plot, but still a plot that seemed to fit the film. At the same time, it was way to easy for the cast you were given. Besides Stone Cold Steve Austin, Stone Colden up the place, there seemed to be no challenge. The second film suffered from this a little bit, but not as much. The second film on the other hand, had a huge plot., a plot that seemed could only be solved by a super group like The Expendables. It seemed that at times the group actually struggled. At other times the plot seemed ridiclous; think of the worst James Bond plot and add it by ten.

What the third plot needs to be is a mixture of both plots. Make something personal, but not so easy that it looks like The Expendables are bulling the opposition. One of the best parts about The Expenables two is the fight between Van Damme and Stallone. This fight seemed personal, charasmatic and important. At times, with my huge window of disbelief, I questioned who would in at the end of the fight. If you kill the rest of the group, have the remaining Expendables go after their killers. Make the leader of their killers an add on, someone who will put up a fight.

To me with this things combined, a dash of good directing and writing, and a little dash of luck, the sky is the limit...... or at least a good action film that is represented by the sky. Again, take my word for what it is worth. I have never directed a film and have never had a piece of work published in anything, but I have been watching movies for a majority of my life. So by that logic..... I am the only person you should be listening to.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

In Defense: The Amazing Spiderman. Spolier Alert

Hello everyone... I hope you are having a wonderful day. As you can see from a new post from me that I have something nerdy/useless to comment on. Now I know what your thinking " Shouldn't you be doing homework ?" "Finals are coming up" and to that I say...........

I decided a few weeks ago that I was going to start a new series. This new series arised from someone bad mouthing a certain Scientolgists acting work based on his religious choice, this of course made me kind of angry. So it got me thinking about things I like that need defending, things that when I bring up seem to get unfairly trashed. So I decided who better to defend them then yours truley. 
And I decided to start out with one of my favorite movies of the year.  Those of you who did not read my Batman post (Go read it now fool!!) might not know that Spiderman is one of my favorite comic book characters of all time ( right next to Batman).  I'm not sure why he stood out to me as a kid, maybe it was his saracasm, maybe it was the fact that he had Spider Powers, I'm not sure. But as a semi-adult, the character really speaks to me. Besides Batman, Spiderman is the only other main superhero who to me is defined by the tragic events that happen to him, and for some reason that intrests me. No matter what Spiderman does, he always seems to lose what he wants the most... but yet keeps on fighting. Not only does he keep on fighting, he fights with this sense of confidence of someone who has never lost anyone. I like the duality of the character as well, Spiderman and Peter Parker are two very different people to me, even more than Batman and Bruce Wayne. Too me the identity of Peter Parker is still an existing identity, were as Bruce Wayne doesn't really excist to me, he is just Batman's mask. Peter on the other hand is still that dorky, awkward kid that we all know is inside us, Spiderman is just the mask of confidence he puts on to do the right thing.

I am going to start out by telling you things I did not like about the movie:
1. The Lizard. So one other thing that has always attracted me to Spiderman is his Rogue's Gallery. Besides Batman, Spiderman probably has the most known Rogue's Gallery. I mean while doing a movie you could pick from any number of amazing villains, Spiderman has so many that it would take an eight season show to not only get them all used, but use them to their potential. It made me extremely excited when I heard that The Lizard was going to be the main villain in The Amazing Spiderman. I love The Lizard a lot and the idea of a live action version of him got me excited in a very nerdy way. But after seeing the movie I was very disapointed. First off The Lizard looks awful, Marc Webb seemed to want to make everything look different then the movies before him and put his own Mark ( haha pun) on things. While I don't mind that, to make the Lizard look like...... I don't even know how to describe it, if you have ever seen what the dinosaur soldiers were supposed to look like in the planned Jurassic Park 4 movie.... he looked like those ... and they looked awful. Not only that they didn't do the character very well. The character didn't really show his duality that makes him such a good villian for Spiderman. It looked like Conners was in control a lot of the time and that really bothers me.

2. The Reboot factor: So as you may know, these were not the first Spiderman films made. In Hollywoods constant need to reboot everything since Batman became successful, and Spiderman 3's constant need to suck, it was almost a for sure thing that Spiderman was going to be rebooted.  But the problem is that Spiderman 3 didn't suck as hard as Batman and Robin. Add that along with the hatred of reboots and you got a problem. My problem with the reboot is Spiderman's origin story. While Spiderman's origin story is very important to character as a whole, is it really that important for the movie ? I mean don't we all know Spiderman's backstory about as much as we know our own backstory ? Just a thought.

3 Taking off the mask.  This movie did what annoys me the most about a lot of superhero films. It seems that every five seconds Garfield was taking off his mask or getting his mask taken off. I understand that the mask kind of limits our to have empathy with a characte since faical expressions is ver key in this, but he took it off a lot.

Now time for some defending:
1. The Movie is just plain better than Spiderman 1. As much as I thought the origin story was redundent, they defintley did the best Spiderman origin story ever. If you go back and watch Spiderman 1 you will realize, much like I did, that it does not hold up in many parts. While I loved it as a kid, now as a semi-adult I am starting to see many of the cracks in it. I found myself not caring throughout a lot of Spiderman 1. A lot of the origin story seems to be glossed over, I didn't even feel that bad when Uncle Ben died this time around in Spiderman 1, I can not say the same for The Amazing Spiderman. I felt for Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker all the way through, when Uncle Ben died I started to tear up. When he started to look at Dr.Conners as a father figure I could relate to that, when his father figure started to betray him I started to relate to that, the ending scene were (spolier alert)............ Captian Stacy dies.... I started to tear up. I felt that the script was better as well, the movie felt more realsitic to me, but not too realistic. It was almost as if it was taking what made The Dark Knight and The Avengers great and morphing it to fit Spiderman. I really feel like this is Spiderman's first go at being a superhero, he's not that good at doing it, he's still learning to be the Spiderman we all know he can be.

2. Emma Stone aka chemistry. So as many of you might know.....I have a major celebrity crush on Emma Stone. I feel that that the woman is not only beautiful, but also an amazing actress. I am still kind of angry that she did not get the Oscar nomination for her work in The Help ( that is a debate for another day.) With Emma Stone, came not only an amazing female actress, but also came chemistry. To me Gwen Stacy is an amazing character in the Spiderman Universe. She is Peter's first love and a big part of who Spiderman is today, she loves Peter for who he is, not for who he pretends to be, which is always something I questioned with Mary Jane. I felt that the chemistry between the two actors was amazing and one of the highlights of the film. I'm sure them being an actual couple in real life doesn't hurt anything, but it just seemed that this is one of the few times in my many years of movie going wheere I truley believed that the two were a couple.

3. The Casting in General. The one thing that I think made this movie as good as it was, is the casting. I feel that everyone in this film is perfect for the role they are in. Martin Sheen was an amazing Uncle Ben who was everything that Uncle Ben should be, Salley Field a great Aunt May... and lets not forget Rhys Ifans. As much as I disliked how they used The Lizard, Rhys Ifans as Doctor Connors is just great. He portays a desprate man, while still being this father figure to Peter, I believed that a inner darkness could be behind this great man.

4. Comic Book Spiderman/Andrew Garfield. One thing that made me want to do The Amazing Spiderman for my first In Defense was looking at fourms. One thing that I am a fan of is talking about Geeky/Nerdy things with fellow nerds, usually I like to do it in a nice way. Usually when I talk to someone about something we both love I try not to hurt their feelings over a different opinion, apparently most fourms do not have the same philosophy as me. What I got was so many people giving not unintelligent post, but mean and hateful posts. One clearly was about Andrew Garfield. So here is my opinion about Andrew Garfield as Spidermam, if you do not like Andrew Garfield over Tobey Maguire as Spiderman, I honestly do not think you like the comic book version of Spiderman. Andrew Garfield not only pulled of the look of Peter Parker to me, but he made me believe that Spiderman was in while also adding in the new kind of nerdness to him. He was socially awkward while he was Peter, but as soon as he became Spiderman he was the wise cracking Spiderman we all know and love. This is also a complement to the writing, clearly the writers understood who Spiderman is. Adding Peter's science knowledge also added just that little bit of comicness that I know I love and I hope others loved.

Here is my dream cast for the Spiderman franchise..... yes I love Dream Casts, clearly some of these will have already been cast being that I have made this after The Amazing Spiderman. I use a lot of the same actors from Batman:
Peter Parker/Spiderman : Andrew Garfield
Gwen Stacy: Emma Stone
Mary Jane Watson: Shailene Woodley
Dr. Curt Conners: Rhys Ifans
May Parker: Salley Fields
Ben Parker: Martin Sheen
George Stacy: Dennis Leary
Black Cat/ Felica Hardy: Ashley Green ot Summer Glau
Dr. Otto Octavius: Michael Emerson
J.Jonah Jameson: J.K. Simmons
Betty Brant: Mila Kunis or Miriam Shor
Joe Robinson: Ernie Huddson
Harry Osborn:Anton Yelchin
Kingpin/ Wilson Fisk: Mickey Rourke or James Gandolfini
Norman Osborn/ Green Goblin: Ralph Finnes or James Marsters
Shocker/ Herman Schultz: Jon Bernthal
Adrian Toomes/ The Vulture: John Malkovich or Tobin Bell
Morbius/ Michael Morbius: Bencio Del Toro
Kraven The Hunter: Javier Bardem
Eddie Brock/ Venom: Alex Pettyfer
Sandman/ Flint Marko: Henry Rollins
Quentin Beck/ Mysterio: Sam Trammell
Marc Gargan/ The Scorpin: Timothy Olyphant
Carnage/Cletus Kasady: Ben Foster
Electro/ Maxwell Dillion: Casey Affleck.
Flash Thompson: Chris Zylka
Liz Allen: Amanda Seyfried
Chameleon/ Dmitri Smerdyakov: Stanley Tucci
Hammerhead: Michael Rooker
Hobgoblin/ Roderick Kingsley: Patrick Wilson
Tombstone: Djimon Hounson'
Jackal: Jackie Earle Haley

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Diary of an Aspiring Writer # 2

 Hello everyone, its me again. It's been two weeks since my last post and I felt since I just turned in my short story in, in my creative writing class. I am thinking of trying to expand it from a short story to a novel or a novella, it just depends on how much I can get into it.

This may seem a little weird, but I think I can do it.  My teacher assigned the story to be at least 1o pages, and to try for 20 if you can. I got 40 pages........ what the hell. Hopefully that didnt come off as a brag, it could easily be 40 pages of crap, but still I'm impressed with it.

I have a few other novel ideas that have come up, one being a reimaging of King Arthur in modern day times ( probably done before, but still) and the other is something that's not fully developed yet so I will wait to explain it.

I still haven't started on my horror script, been busy with school and such. I will get it done, whether its just an exercise in getting something done or I actually am able to do something with ... only time will tell.

I might put some of my work from creative writing on here, it all depends on what the bylines of Blogger are, I would like to be able to keep the rights to my things for now at least, hence why I havent put anything on facebook.

Well till next time

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Diary of an Aspiring Writer: #1

So this a new thing I am starting now that I am still trying to write in my blog more. I am goint to try chronical all the things I do throughout the week involving writing. I hope people this and I hope in some way this gets me to write more than I do right now.

So right now I am taking a creative writing class at Sauk and by far it is my favorite class in the world. The class so far has taught me so much about writing, I think my writing in general has become so much better.I know for a fact that my poetry has gotten better.

In class we am currently working on short stories. I have come to the realization because of this that everything I have written in the class has been extremly depressing. All my poems ( besides the dirty limeric of course) and scenes have been depressing things. My short story is about a kid who is about to kill himself few day after his birthday. I mean theres more too it than that, but that is a main part of it.

Because of these though I havent been able to work on my novel, but I think its ok because after I get my short story done I am going to try and length it to be a novella and see if I can get it published.

I have decided that I'm going to write a script eveuntally, I have at least three movie ideas floating around that I really just need to get on paper. One's a zombie film, one's a horror film that's a little like The Breakfast Club, and one is a batman idea I had. Granted the last one ever being made is questionable, but it be nice to have it written down instead of just keeping it in my head. Maybe get it made into a comic someday.

Well time to end this anticlamtical
Till next time

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Batman Reboot

Hey everyone, guess what time it is ? Time for me to make my first blog post in a couple of months ! I do feel kind of bad on failing at my blog New Year's revolution, but hey I feel like it's ok because most of that time I have been working on actual works of fiction that I hope to get published some day, so thats a plus right ?

Any way, I am sure most of you know already that I, and many others, have seen The Dark Knight Rises.... and It was amazing. For those of you who don't know, I am basically obsessed with superheroes. I have loved them ever since I was a little kid watching Spiderman and Batman cartoons( both of which still hold up).

And of all the superheroes out there my favorite of all time has to be the Cape Crusader himself, Batman. As a kid I am sure I was attracted to him because of his look and the fact that he had a show on. Now I feel I am pulled to the character because of his heroic nature, his flaws, his amazing rouges gallery,the dark and grittyness of the character, and his novelistic personality.

If you do not travel along movie sites on the interwebs than you may not know that after The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale and most of the cast will not return thus ending the Nolan Batman saga. And probably even fewer of you know that with the reboot craze that Hollywood is going through as of current Batman is already set up for the reboot treatment.

This is something I love hearing. While I will miss the gritty, noir feel to the Nolan Batman saga, the idea of Batman still being on the screen in the forseable future excites me and with The Avengers making a shit ton of money, DC has already stated that they would like to get a Justice League Movie out there as soon as possible.

So with this I would like to give all of you reading ( all five of you) the opinion of a aspiring author, a movie, novel, and comic book nut, and a nerd with way too much time on his hand and no girlfriend at all.

1. Don't fix what isnt broken. While I don't want any director/ writer team coming in and trying to copy the Nolan way of doing Batman, it is the best way to use Batman on the big screen.  Batman at his core, is this dark gritty hero, with a strict moral code, something that is put in a extremely good light in the noir film type. Nolan showed that at his best, Batman is a tragic hero who while having many victories, still is defined by death. To go back to the Adam West Batman or even ( and I hate typing it) The Batman and Robin Batman would be a mistake.

2. By the same token you have to do something different. To me there is no point in rebooting a movie if you are just going to copy the last guy who did it. I know it contradictes what I am saying in a way, but who ever is directing and writing the next Batman film needs to take a few plays from the Marvel playbook, especially Iron Man 1.  You need to make the film seem like it is ripped almost straight from the comic book, while still keeping the dark, realistic aspect that has made the Nolan series so amazing. Build a universe like Marvel has done with there films, but still make the film seem like it means something.

3. Have Batman be an older Batman. When I say older Batman I don't me The Dark Knight Returns, old man Batman. I just think at this point it is useless to start with another origin story. Everyone and their mother knows the Batman origin story. I bet you at this point if you were to go up to some random person on the street 8 times out of 10 they can explain to you Batman's origins. To me 33 sounds a good age to me, Batman is not in a walker, but also is not a newbie. You get more experienced Batman.

4. Think about adding Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, or the Entire Batfamily to the mix. I know what you are thinking " Wasnt that one of the main problems with Batman and Robin, too many characters ?" While I agree with you that at most points it seems like that is a big problem, but I feel with the right execution this can be remadied, look at The Avengers and The Dark Knight as my key examples. While Alfred and Gordan are key elements to Batman as a character, giving Bruce more of a family would explore many other aspects that Robin and the rest of the bunch help him explore.

5. Do not use any of the villians used in the previous films. At least not so soon, maybe start with a villian who has been seen on the screen or who has but that performance ....didn't turn out so well ( cough cough Mr.Freeze). That's the thing abouts Batman that makes him so differen than many of the comic book heroes out there, his rouges gallery is riddled with amazing villians. Even some of the most riduclous ones( Calander Man I'm looking at you) handled right could be cool additions. Too use The Joker, Bane, Two Face or Ra's al Ghul would just bring a unneed expectation that no film want

6. Cast Well. I know this seems like a no brainer, but this is one of the things that many Superhero movies do wrong. For Batman you need to get someone who can be both the mask that is Bruce Wayne and while getting someone imposing enough to be the Bat.  Everyone needs to be perfect at their role.

If they do those few things I feel that the Batman Reboot will be infintly better than many of the other reboots out there. This film must be taken with care, it has already gotten an expection that could easily go against it.

Dream Cast : This is my dream cast for the Batman Reboot, this is not nesscarily the cast I would cast if ever given the chance to Direct/ Write it, it's more or less saying just like a wish list of actors that could play the role.

Batman:  Jon Ham
Nightwing : Matt Bomer or Pen Badgley
Robin: Logan  Lerman or Josh Hutcherson
Oracle/Bat Girl: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Alfred: John Hurt or Geoffrey Rush
Jim Gordan: Bryan Cranston or Bruce Willis
Two Face: Joaquin Phoenix or Damien Lewis
Mr. Freeze: Patrick Stewart or Ralph Fiennes
Catwoman : Charlize Theorn
 Poison Ivy: Bryce Dallas Howard
Riddler: Alexander Scarsgard or Michael C.Hall
Clock King: Crispin Glover
Firefly: Ben Foster
Hugo Strange: Ben Kingsley or John Noble
Zsaz :Jackie Earle Haley
Black Mask: Chrisoph Waltz or Michael Fassbender
Pengiun: Phillp Seymour Hoffman
The Joker: Paul Bettany or Aaron Paul or Michael Shannon
Harley Quinn: Kristen Bell or Amanda Seyfried
The Mad Hatter : Timothy Spall
Scarecrow: Anthony Michael Hall or David Tennant
Red Hood: Jensen Ackles
Lucious Fox : Ron Glass
Killer Croc: Mickey Rourke
Bane: Dwayne Johnson..... or Tom Hardy...... or Javiar Bardem
Vikki Vale: Olivia Wilde
Man Bat: Williem Defoe
Ra's Al Ghul: Viggo Mortenson
Talia Al Ghul: Milia Kunis
Harvey Bullock: Michael Chiklis
Renee Monyana: Michelle Rodriguez
Clayface: Mark Strong
Carmine Falcone: Alfred Molina
Rupert Thorne: Robert De Niro or Dennis Farina
Hush:Josh Hartnett or Guy Pearce
Sal Maroni: Ron Perlman or Chris Cooper
Solomon Grundy:Michael Chiklis
Ventriloquist: Steve Buscemi
Calender Man: William. H Macy
The Calculator: Keifer Sutherland
Joe Chill: Frank Whaley or Brad Dourif

Thursday, August 9, 2012

To coin a phrase.- A List

        So I have been thinking lately ( ok just today) about a phrase I have been saying lately. The phrase is  " You don't know how much money I would pay to see that" I usually say this after I am talking about some geeky thing that either seems impossible or is impossible.
         So since I have not written a blog in a while I took this random thought about the phrase and decided to run with it. What would I really pay this infinte amount of money to achieve/see/have ?

         Now before I get into this I should probably explain a little bit about what this list will probably be entitled of. Now I am fully aware that if I this amazing power, I should probably solve a few of the worlds problems before I accomplish any of these listed items. These items will primarilay be made up of things on the top of my head that my nerdy heart desires, things that while might not seem important to you ( or most of the world) are incredible important to me. So with that in mind here comes the list.

1. Marry Emma Stone, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Hayley Williams, Zooey Deschanel, and Mila Kunis.

2. Give Firefly at least five more seasons

3. Have Heath Ledger's Joker and Tom Hardy's Bane meet..... just meet, interact, anything of that nature.

4. Have a good League of  Extraordinary Gentlemen movie be made, one that doesn't create another hell in a universe that none of us will ever find.

5. Punch R.L. Stine right in the face...... it needs to be done.

6. Have a good Resident Evil movie be made,  watch the new trailer for Resident Evil five and try to tell me that resembles a good film at all.

7. Have a  live action cross over of Dexter and Sherlock

8. Have a live action cross over of Batman and Dexter

9.  Have Spiderman make some kind of apperence in the next Avengers movie.

10. Share an apartment with Joss Whedon, Neil Gaimen,  Ryan Gosling, and Seth Rogan

11. Have a drink with Ernest Hemmingway

12. Play pool with Ryan Gosling

13. Fight Zombies with Ryan Gosling.......... and Simon Pegg.... and Nick Frost

14. Have the Justice League and the Avengers along with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Blade and the Winchester Brothers be transported to the Twilight Universe and have them destroy ever vampie ......all of them.

15. Explain to Stephenie Meyer how she almost ripped my soul to pieces when she created the Twilight Universe.

16. Have Joss Whendon write/ direct all of the Avengers films ever made and any Justice League that will be made.

17. Have a life sized model of the Tardis in my home.

18.  Follow Jason Statam around for a day

19.  Kick the door into every resturant I go to.

And finally ..................

20. Buy a state of the art duplicate of the DeLorean from Back to the Future.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Power Ranger's reboot dream cast

Well hello everyone. It has been one month since I have last blogged so I have decided that I will blog once a month. That right now is my writing goal for the blog, maybe Ill blog more, but I definetley won't blog less. So this thought occured to me while at work ( this is how boring my job is), with the plethora of reboots, remakes, and reinvisions coming out in the magical land of film these days, I am suprised that the classic 90's kids show ( I refuse to admit that the newer addisons not only count, but exist) the Power Ranger's. I would like to offical throw my hat in as a creative consultant/ writer ( anyone out there doing this reboot hint hint) I mean if you look the basic premise it's not bad..... remeber I said not bad, not amazing, but not bad. I am looking at the cast of the film by the way. So here is my dream cast for this completely ridiculous concept. Again sorry for no pictures I am terrible at technology

The Red Ranger/ Rocky DeSantos:  Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr. in my opinion is one of the greatest actors alive today.  The man is one of the greatest method actors of all time, you could cast him as anything and the man would make you believe that he truley is it.  Who else would play the defacto lead of the Power Rangers ? The man will bring something to the role that would make it his own and hopefully bring a little bit of the Tony Stark charm as well. 

The Black Ranger/ Adam Park: Tom Hardy
I know what you are all thinking, wasn't the black ranger black. Now to make this reboot different ( and try to stear away from Zordon looking like a rascit) I am going to cast a white actor. I feel that to any group you need a big guy, a guy who nobody wants to fuck with, who could kick anything and everythings ass that comes at him. Someone with a possible hidden tragic past  and has a heart of gold? Who can play this better than Tom Hardy, I dare you to watch the movie Warrior and tell me that he doesn't play that character at it's best., but

The Blue Ranger/ Billy Cranston: Donald Glover:
To me the blue ranger was always the comic relief. The spiderman if you will to the group, always fighting along with everyone else, but making some quick quip while doing it. Nobody can do this this better than Donald Glover. If you have not heard of Donald I would suggest you go and watch either Community or the Mystery Team, both are prime examples on why he is one of the great up and coming comics.

Tommy Oliver/ The White Ranger: Chris Pine
So to me Tommy Oliver was always the cocky pro of the group, a guy who had faught before so now he feels that he is the best. He feels like he should be leader, but will be there for you when you need him. Who better to play this man than Chris Pine aka Captian Kirk from the new Star Trek.  I mean Chris has the cocky thing down pretty well, while still leaving you with the hint that he know what he is doing and should be on the team. Chris is one of the best up and coming actors and I think that he would a great addition to this film

Kimberly Hart/ The Pink Ranger: Jessica Biel
 So to me the Pink Ranger is a person who is confident person, she knows why she is part the group and embraces everything that the group stands for. She doesnt have a personal life, doesn't want one. She feels that she needs to prove herself on a team of the this cailbur. To me Jessica Biel perfectly embodies that. Though many of her movies have sucked ( Blade Trinty, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot any one ?) I feel like that doesn't make her a terrible actress. For action actresses out there I would probably put her up there in the top tier of  good ones. By the way I do realize that this pretty close to being the opposite of what the original Pink ranger was like... I again don't want to typecast something.

The Yellow Ranger/ Trini Campbell : Zooey Deschanel
 I would make the Yellow Ranger would of course the exact oppoiste of the Pink Ranger. She doesn't feel that she needs to impress any of the other rangers. Being a ranger doesnt fill up her life, she puts her life and being a ranger into two different catagoreys. Two words Zoey Deschanel

Ok for the rest I think just giving a cast listing should be sufficiant.
Skull aka Larger bully: John Goodman
Bulk aka Smaller bully: Charlie Day
Alpha 5:  Woody Allen or Billy Crystal
Zordon: Clint Eastwood
 Rita Repulsa: Elizabeth Banks
Lord Zedd :  John Malkovich
Ivan Ooze : Ralphin Fines

So this is my dream cast for the Power Rangers Reboot, personally I think it's the best dream cast that I have ever put on here, but that's just my opinion.